I remember the first time I met Dick Wagner and his manager Susan Michaelson it was Feb of this year. They invited Real II Reel Productions out to Harmoine Park Studios, where Dick was filming a video for a new Wagner anthem for Detroit, “MOTOR CITY MUSIC”. The proceeds will benefit the “bicycle ministry” of Brother Al, a Franciscan monk, who rides his bicycle cart through the streets of Detroit, bringing food and hot drinks to the homeless.

For more information on where you can purchase “YOUR COPY” of Dick Wagner’s book: Not Only Women Bleed, Vignettes from the Heart of a Rock Musician please click on the Maestro’s book
Dick Wagner’s “Official” Facebook page ~ https://www.facebook.com/groups/maestroofrock/
Dick Wagner live in Welcome to My Nightmare tour, 1975:
July 25th ~ BOOK SIGNING AT UDETROIT CAFE 5pm – 8pm ~ 1427 Randolph Detroit, MI Ph. 313.962.0660 ~ www.udetroit.com
July 26th ~ BOOK SIGNING at Motor City Guitar ~ 6:30pm ~ Motor City Guitar ~ 1565 Crescent Lk Rd, Waterford, MI Ph. 248.673.1900 www.motorcityguitar.com
July 28th ~ CALLAHANS ~ 2105 South Blvd, Auburn Hills, MI ~ Ph.248.858.9508 ~ (Get tickets on ticketfly.com)
July 18th, 2012 ~ Once again we were very lucky, we were invited by Dick Wagner and Susan Michelson to see Alice Cooper in concert at DTE Music Energy in Clarkston, Michigan. It was my first Alice concert. I had wished I could go back in time because what I experienced that evening was truly one of the best performances I have ever seen a ROCK band perform. TRUE ROCK N ROLL SHOWMANSHIP, at it’s best!! You haven’t seen a Rock concert until you have seen Alice. You feel like you have been “EXCERCISED” lack of a better word. Yeah maybe I don’t get out much but it was the best 2 hours I could ever asked for. After the show we met Alice and I couldn’t of had more fun. Alice was a sweetheart and although I was “lost for words” actions speak louder than words and Alice shook my hand and gave me this awesome smile. I’ll never forget. I asked Dick & Alice to sign my Jeans and Alice kindly said while he was chatting with Dick at the table “Throw your leg up on the table” mind you I had sandals on with no socks on my feet. I replied..ok but I have bare feet and that aint pretty. I was really praying my feet didn’t stink that night after sweating during the concert. 😀 We all just laughed and Alice and Dick signed my Jeans. It was a perfect night. What was even more perfect was seeing old friends like Dick Wagner & Alice Cooper “catching up” two legendary musicians who had a very special reunion.
We are very blessed to have been apart of the special evening! Looking forward to more Alice Cooper and Dick Wagner concerts. Alice was a sweetheart just like our good friends Dick & Suzy! Love you guys!
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